At Cetacean Sirenian Indonesia (Cetasi), we aim to conserve marine mammals (whales, dolphins and the dugongs) in the Indonesian Archipelago for the benefit of the animals and future generations. We try to achieve this goal by working on several issues such as sustainable tourism, sustainable fisheries, protected area management, and stranding management. We collaborate with our partners to achieve the above objectives. Cetasi also means 'from the heart' or 'on the seat of my heart' (Sanskrit); hence whatever we do, we always try to do it from the heart.
Sustainable TourismWe analyse whale and dolphin watching tourism industries in the country.
Kami melakukan analisis terhadap industri wisata paus dan lumba-lumba di Indonesia. |
Sustainable FisheriesWe analyse the impacts of fishing industries on marine mammal populations in the country.
Kami melakukan analisis dampak industri perikanan terhadap populasi mamalia laut di Indonesia. |
Marine Mammal Protected AreasWe promote the effective design and implementation of marine mammal protected areas across the Archipelago.
Kami mendorong adanya desain dan pelaksanaan kawasan lindung bagi mamalia laut yang efektif di Nusantara. |
Stranding ManagementWe manage and maintain Whale Stranding Indonesia as an online stranding database to assist decision making processes associated with marine mammal stranding events.
Kami mengelola dan memelihara Whale Stranding Indonesia sebagai database kejadian terdampar online untuk membantu proses pengambilan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan kejadian terdamparnya mamalia laut |
Policy and other issuesWe work together with other stakeholders, including the government, on policy and other issues, e.g. captivity and ocean noise,
Kami bekerja sama dengan para pihak lain, termasuk pemerintah, dalam bidang kebijakan dan isu-isu lain, seperti dolphinarium dan polusi suara di dalam air. |